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A tribute to a man who inspired us all..... Sunday, 14 November 2004 2pm - midnight at CONCORDE 2, Madeira Drive, Brighton (on the seafront east of Brighton Pier) Tickets £10 in advance from: Concorde 2 (01273) 673311 Rounder Records (01273) 325440 Brighton Dome Box Office (01273) 709709 http://www.ticketweb.co.uk and on the door. |
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2.05-2.40 | BEST LEFT DEAD - Peacehaven wild kids! | http://www.bestleftdead.co.uk |
2.50-3.25 | GARAGELAND - Local musicians with their own material: they play Joe's songs really well, and hardly ever, but they will today, in his honour. | |
3.35-4.10 | COMBAT SHOCK - uncompromising melodic punk rock.. | |
4.20-4.55 | ANAL BEARD - unique Brighton based punk/jazz/noise experience! | http://www.scip.org.uk/ab/ |
5.05-5.40 | THE LOVELY BROTHERS - Shoreham's finest and most surreal, somewhere between Flanders and Swann and Half Man Half Biscuit! | http://www.thelovelybrothers.cjb.net |
5.50-6.05 | HARRY ZEVENBERGEN witty Dutch poet | http://home.wanadoo.nl/~harryzevenbergen |
6.15-6.50 | THE FISH BROTHERS - local legends, punk meets music hall in a welter of scatological excess | http://www.thefishbrothers.freeserve.co.uk |
9.00-9.35 | JIM BOB - half of multi hit factory Carter USM, huge hit at last year's event | http://www.jim-bob.co.uk/news.shtml |
7.00-7.20 | HELEN McCOOKERYBOOK - leader of Brighton's seminal Chefs... | http://www.punkbrighton.co.uk/chefs.html |
7.30-8.05 | MISS BLACK AMERICA - Cambridgeshire mob carrying on Strummer's legacy and then some! | http://www.missblackamerica.net |
8.15-8.50 | ANDY BARON & THE BELIEVERS - wonderful, dance your socks off reggae | |
9.45-10.20 | CHRIS T-T - up and coming songwriter and bandleader getting loads of media acclaim for his "London Is Sinking" album - also wrote "Eminem Is Gay" so is obviously a total hero | http://www.christt.com |
10.30-11.05 | McDERMOTT'S TWO HOURS - legendary Brighton folk-rockers | http://www.burbridgearts.org |
11.15-11.50 |
ZOUNDS - legendary, visionary anarcho-punk pioneers led by Steve Lake |
http://www.zoundsonline.co.uk |
ATTILA THE STOCKBROKER - your host, will do the odd poem in between sets | http://www.attilathestockbroker.com | |
Plus DJ playing punk/reggae.. |